Cum să păstrați legumele proaspete în timpul transportului pe distanțe lungi?


Conservarea legumelor este într-adevăr o mare problemă pentruvegetal distribution, especially in the long-distance transportation process, once the preservation work is not done well, the vegetals are not good in appearance, and the vegetals are corrupt and inedible. Therefore, it is particularly important to do a good job of protecting fresh vegetals. So how to keep vegetals fresh during long-distance transportation? What are the methods for keeping vegetals fresh during long-distance transportation?
Four common fresh-keeping methods for vegetal long-distance transportation

„În primul rând, înainte de a încărcavegetals, the vegetals and the carriage should be lowered to a suitable temperature for transportation, and the refrigeration equipment should be turned off when loading and unloading.
După încărcarea mașinii, reduceți numărul de deschideri ale ușilor și încercați să evitați pierderea aerului condiționat.
„În al doilea rând, reduceți fluxul de aer din jurulvegetals during transportation, because the flow of air will cause the loss of moisture in the vegetals. This is why many people put vegetals in the cellar instead of outside.
⑶The packaging of vegetals is also particular, because the permeability of the packaging determines the degree of moisture loss of vegetals. Generally speaking, we use cartons or paper bags to pack. Compared with unpackaged vegetals, it can effectively reduce moisture lost.
⑷There is also a need to maintain the humidity of the vegetals and the air, as well as shade, especially in the hot summer, it is still necessary to maintain the humidity of the vegetals, but it should not be too humid, moderate is good, we can spend a certain time Pour a little water on it.
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